and Cutlery
by Gérard HEUTTE

Bibliography > Miscellaneous
Steel Metallurgy for the non-metallurgist by John D. Verhoeven - Published by ASM international
- 260x180 - 220 pages - -

If you want to know everything about steel, this is the book for you! Lots of very detailed technical data.
All the phenomena involved in the heat treatment of steels are analyzed. In summary: The Bible!!!!
On the other hand, it's a bit difficult to read...
Table of contents : Pure Iron (4) - Solutions and Phase Diagrams (4) -
Steel and the Iron-Carbon Phase Diagram (12) - The Various Microstructures of Room-Temperature Steel (18) -
Mechanical Properties (14) - The Low-Alloy AISI Steels (8) - Diffusion (8) - Control of Grain Size by Heat
Treatment and Forging (12) - Hardenability of Steel (16) - Tempering (8) - Austenitization (10) -
Quenching (16) - Stainless Steels (24) - Tool Steels (8) - Solidification (10) - Cast Irons (14) -
Surface Hardening Treatment of Steels (12) - Temperature Measurement (8) - Stainless Steels for Knifemakers (8) -
Index (8).
The Archeology of Weapons by
Ewart Oakeshott - Published by Boydell Press
- 230x150 - 359 pages - -

The last word on this subject. In compensation, it is
a little difficult to read. The author skilfully mixes history,
archaeology and legends. One learns much details.
The history of the weapons is described there since the Bronze
Age until the Middle Ages.
Table of contents : The prehistoric period (49) - The heroic age (63) -
The vikings (51) - The age of chevalry (161).
Précis de Métallurgie by Jean Barralis &
Gerard Maeder - Published by Nathan
- 280x200 - 232 pages - -

A good theoretical metallurgy book. It treats
mainly of ferrous metal and alloys (some chapters on aluminium, zinc and
copper). The theoretical bases are clearly explained. Some
phenomenons are approached (diffusion, grain...).
Thanks to Laurence for this reference.
Table of contents : Métallurgie d'élaboration (15) - Métallurgie
physique (30) - Alliages ferreux (76) - Alliages non ferreux (29) - Métallurgie des poudres
(5) - Traitements et revêtements de surface (20) - Corrosion (12) - Méthodes d'essai
(38) - Index, bibliographie (8).
The Craft of the Japanese Sword by
Leon & Hiroko Kapp, Yoshindo Yoshihara - Published by International Kodansha
- 260x190 - 167 pages - -

Excellent book on the making of Katanas. Many
techniques: From the making of steel, to the traditional polishing and
the scabbard. The whole is generously illustrated by more than 200
figures or photographs.
Table of contents : Preface (10) - A craft reborn (36) - The Sword (50) -
Polishing (26) - The Habaki (14) - The scabbard (20) - Bibliography & index (3).
The Art of Making Leather Cases - Volume 1 by Al Stohlman - Published by Tandy Leather Factory
- 280x210 - 120 pages - -

Through many samples, this book shows how to make miscellaneous cases: Knives, folders, tools, glasses,
cameras, binoculars...
For that, many topics are covered: Rings, rivets, tools, patterns, modeling, decorating, use of
wood blocks... A lot of drawings (an average of 8 per page !) make this book easy to use.
This volume shows small size cases. Among the three volumes, it is the most appropriate for cutlery.
Table of contents : Impossible to do for such book...
Making Leather Sheaths volume 1 by David Holter and Peter Fronteddu - Published by Schiffer
- 230x150 - 140 pages - -

This book deals exclusively with simple knife sheaths. After a short introduction about tools, techniques are
shown through four projects. The whole is well detailed and illustrated.
Table of contents : Basics (10) - Project I: Quiver-like Sheath with Integrated Belt
Loop (47) - Project II: Quiver-like Sheath with Leather Lining and Riveted Belt Loop with Snap
Fastener (29) - Project III: Quiver-like Sheath with Protective Strap ans Sewed-On Belt Loop (25) -
Project IV: Quiver-like Sheath with Flap and Sewed-On Belt Clip (17) - Tips for Cleaning and
Leather Care (4) - Appendix (4).
Making Leather Sheaths volume 2 by David Holter and Peter Fronteddu - Published by Schiffer
- 230x150 - 142 pages - -

In the line of volume 1 and also well done! Two very detailed sheath projects, from the design with
the templates until the final realization. A lot of photos.
Table of contents: Introduction (1) - Project I: Welted Sheath with Attached
Belt Loop (59) - Project II: Welted Sheath with Belt Clip and Protective Strap (63) -
Choosing Materials (5) - The Tools (5) - Mini Glossary (1) - List of Suppliers (2).
Making Leather Sheaths volume 3 by David Holter and Peter Fronteddu - Published by Schiffer
- 230x150 - 150 pages - -

In the continuation of volumes 1 and 2! Two very detailed sheath projects, from the design with
the templates until the final realization. A lot of photos.
Table of contents: Introduction (1) - Project I: Mexican Loop Sheath (83) -
Project II: Welted Sheath with snap fastener (53) - Choice of Materials (5) - The Tools (4) -
Glossary (1).
The Art of Making Leather Cases - Volume 2 by Al Stohlman - Published by Tandy Leather Factory
- 280x210 - 124 pages - -

Same principle as volume 1, but this volume describes a bit bigger cases :
Bags, Lady's bags. Specific topics are detailled: Handles, zippers, locks.
Due to choosen samples, this volume is a bit less appropriate for cutlery than the first one.
Table of contents : Impossible to do for such book...
The Art of Making Leather Cases - Volume 3 by Al Stohlman - Published by Tandy Leather Factory
- 280x210 - 115 pages - -

Same principle as volume 1, but this volume describes big cases: Lugages, rifles, guitar, golf. Here too,
specific topics are detailled.
Due to choosen samples, this volume is a less appropriate for cutlery than the first one.
Table of contents : Impossible to do for such book...
The Toolbox Book by Jim Tolpin - Published by Taunton Press
- 270x230 - 197 pages - -

This book describes wonderful toolboxes in wood. They are many for all uses,
with drawings and advice for building.
Table of contents : Tool Boxes and the Building of a Nation (18) -
Traditional-Style Tool Chests (28) - A Student Tool-Chest Project (12) - Designing
In-Shop Tool Storage (14) - Wall Cabinets (16) - Standing Tool Cabinets (16) -
Rolling Tool Carts 16) - Designing Site Boxes (8) - Open Shoulders Totes (24) -
Lidded Totes (20) - Wheeled Site Boxes (10) - A Toolbox or the Road (10).
La microstructure des aciers et des fontes by Madeleine
Durand Charre - Published by SIRPE
- 250x170 - 400 pages - -

A fantastic source of information on steels. An in depth survey with many micrographies.
Understanding the contents require good scientific bases or (and?)
much perseverance. This is the kind of book which is read by small touches.
It is not a work for beginner!
This gold mine has a high price but it is a form of investment!
Without forgetting a very impressive international bibliography
of works about metallurgy: 23 pages with a score of references
per page.
Table of contents : Du fer primitif à l'acier du forgeron (10) - Les aciers
damassés (24) - Les phases importantes dans les aciers (10) - Les diagrammes de
phases (42) - Genèse de la microstructure de solidification (30) - Transformation
de la microstructure en milieu liquide/solide (32) - Grains, joints de grains et
interfaces (10) - La diffusion (16) - La décomposition de l'austénite (16)
- La transformation perlitique (14) - La transformation martensitique (16) -
La transformation bainitique (16) - La précipitation (16) - L'optimisation des
nuances d'aciers (12) - Macrostructures de solidification (12) - Macro/microstructures
frittées (8) - Les aciers peu alliés (8) - Les aciers à traitements
thermiques (8) - Les aciers inoxydables (16) - Les aciers résistant au fluage pendant
une longue durée à chaud (16) - Les fontes (20) - Annexes (6) -
Références (26) - index (5).
Cahier d'armes d'un Mestre de guerre by
Chris Mézier - Published by Routes
- 210x130 - 248 pages - -

Many weapons of the Middle Ages classified by family
and for each one a synthesis drawing, basic description
and its multiple denominations.
Table of contents : Coustils-dagues (27) - Epées (33) - Haches (21) - Armes
de choc (29) - Armes d'hast (59) - Outils de guerre (13) - Armes de jet (9) - Armes de
trait / arcs et flèches (21) - Armes de trait / arbalètes et carreaux (19)
- Armes de feu (9).
Bourrellerie by Claude Lux - Published by Malone
- 250x190 - 95 pages - -

A very complete book, but directed towards saddlery.
The basic techniques of leatherworking are exposed there.
Also, an excellent chapter on the tools.
Table of contents : Cuir et les matériaux divers (9) - La bouclerie (9) -
Les outils et leurs fonctions (9) - Fabriquer vos outils (7) - Affûtage des outils
(5) - Les coutures (9) - Assemblages divers (7) - Fabrications diverses (19) -
Réparations et dépannages (9) - Quelques tressages (5) - Amémager
un petit atelier (5).
The complete metalsmith by Tim Mc
Creight - Published by Davis publications Inc.
- 230x180 - 192 pages - -

A good panorama on various metals and the associated
working methods. Many tricks and knacks.
Table of contents : Materials (16) - Surfaces (30) - Shaping (22) -
Joining (14) - Casting (20) - Stones (28) - Tools (18) - Reference (20).
Sculpture sur bois by Anthony Denning -
Published by Eyroles
- 280x220 - 126 pages - -

A book to initiate itself with wooodcarving.
The pages are cut in two: On the top a section with a
score of varied "projects", and on the bottom, a "Technical" section
(tools, basic techniques, correction of the problems, completion).
Table of contents : Les outils de sculpture (4) - Les matériaux (3) -
Projets (94) - Techniques (94) - Galerie (10).
Travailler l'acier directed per G
Murry - Published by Sirpe
- 220x150 - 370 pages - -

A complete work on the work of steel. It tackles machining, assembly and a small chapter
on blacksmithing.
Table of contents : Les aciers; Nuances et produits marchands (18) - Le choix d'un
acier (16) - Le découpage (62) - L'usinage (54) - La mise en oeuvre par
déformation (60) - Les techniques d'assemblage (72) - Les traitements thermiques
(22) - Les traitements de surface et les revêtements (20) - Les essais et
contrôles (40) - Annexes (15)
The Machinery's Handbook collective work - Published by Industrial Press Inc.
- 260x180 - 2600 pages - -

In this enormous book, one finds absolutely everything about
mechanical engineering, the design of the machines and machining!
This is in the same time a theoretical and practical work.
Its high price should however be noted!
Each chapter presented below could make a book!
Table of contents : Mathematics (137) - Mechanics and strength of materials
(258) - Properties, treatment and testing of materials (233) - Dimensioning, gaging and measuring
(117) - Tooling and toolmaking (259) - Machining operations (321) - Manufacturing processes (147) -
Fasteners (248) - Threads and threading (305) - Gears, splines and cams (188) - Machine
elements (325) - Measuring units (49) - Index, standards (101).
Leather braiding by Bruce Grant - Published by Cornell Maritime Press Inc.
- 210x140 - 245 pages - -

A very complete small book about leather (and rope) braiding. It is illustrated by
a lot of drawings.
Table of contents : Flat braids (20) - Round braids (18) -
Square braids (6) - Buttons (10) - Edge lacing (14) - Buckle covering (6) -
Handle covering (12) - Spanish knots and turk's heads (52) - Braided applique (23).
Leather crafting by Tony Laier - Published by Tandy Leather Factory
- 280x210 - 57 pages - -

A small book on decorating leather, mainly with swivel knife and stamps.
It is illustrated by a lot of drawings.
Table of contents : Story of leather (6) - Preparation of leather (4) -
The swivel knife blade (9) - Getting to know your other leathercrafting tools (22) -
Dyeing, antiquing and finishing leather (6) - Lacing and stitching techniques (5).
The complete guide to sharpening by
Leonard Lee - Published by Taunton Press
- 270x210 - 245 pages - -

A very complete book about sharpening! The covered
fields are very varied. The whole is illustrated by many
Table of contents : The meaning of sharpness (4) - The physics of severing wood
fibers (12) - Metallurgy (10) - Abrasives (12) - Sharpening equipment (18) - Chisels (18) -
Planes (14) - Knives (10) - Carving tools (16) - Turning tools (14) - Scrapers (12) - Handsaws (20) -
Axes, hatchets and adzes (14) - Power-saw blades (14) - Drill bits (16) - Peripheral milling cutters
(8) - Other shop tools ( 14) - Afterword, Chip classification, International grit standards, glossary,
index (12).
Techniques de la bijouterie by Stephen O'keeffe - Published by Eyrolles
- 250x190 - 126 pages - -

A book (on jewelry) without direct link with cutlery, but it includes a lot of advice on
metal working and some tricks usable for adjustments, small parts and scabbards.
Table of contents : Equipement (13) - Couper (4) - Percer (1) - Mettre en forme (2) -
Planer (2) - Recuire (1) - Souder (3) - Finitions (4) - Projets (11) - Travailler les
fils métalliques (32) - Graver à l'acide (7) - Fondre et fusionner (6) -
Le repoussé (6) - Travailler le plexiglas (6) - Sertir des pierres (6) - Couler
l'étain (4) - Chaînes et fermoirs (4) - Annexes, glossaire (2).
Sharpening with Waterstones by Ian Kirby - Published by Stobart Davies
- 230x150 - 111 pages - -

This small book is very complete. It describes tools, stones. It provides drawings for supports to help
sharpening. The different methods are explained well with application on different tools.
Table of contents : A perfect edge in 60 seconds(10) - Grinders and grinding wheels (8) -
Equipping the grinder (12) - When to grind (10) - Waterstones (10) - Sharpening station (8) -
The back face (6) - Sharpening plane blades (14) - Sharpening chisels (8) - Knives and scissors (6) -
Carving tools (13) - Parting shot (1).
Les aciers damassés by Madeleine Durand Charre - Published by
Ecole des Mines de Paris
- 240x160 - 200 pages - -

A wonderful book both historical and technical that explains steel evolution through time
in a first part. The second part is dedicated to metallurgy and discusses touchy subjects.
Table of contents : Première partie : L'acier du forgeron pendant quatre
millénaires Le fer primitif (18) - L'acier du forgeron avant l'ère
chrétienne (16) - Les épées du premier millénaire (12) -
Vous avez dit damas ? Non pas encore (7) - Des épées aux couteaux (8) -
Les épées du deuxième millénaire (26) - Art et technologie au
troisième millénaire (33) Deuxième partie : Notions de
métallurgie Comprendre ce qu'est un acier (22) - Structures de solidification :
grains, dendrites, ségrégation (6) Les aciers classiques pour coutellerie (22) -
La métallurgie des poudres (3) - La structure damassée par soudage (4) -
La formation d'alignements de carbures dans le wootz (17) - La formation des alignements
dans les aciers à moyen carbone (15) - Références (5).
Plains Indian Knife Sheaths by Alex Kozlov - Published by Crazy Crow Trading Post
- 270x210 - 64 pages - -

This very specific book is dedicated to indian beaded sheaths. The historical and technical
aspects are presented, as well as advice for making.
Table of contents : Sheaths types, Styles & Shapes (5) - Tools, materials &
basic patterns (5) - Fully Beaded Sheaths (10) - Partially Beaded Sheaths (2) - Sheaths with
Cuts-Outs (3) - Variations (3) - Historic section (10) - Collected Specimens (19).
Woodworker's Guide to Sharpening by John English - Published by Fox Chapel
- 280x220 - 155 pages - -

This book is dedicated to sharpening for woodworker's tools. Many sharpening methods are described,
as well as the associated equipment. It is very easy to extrapolate to knives.
Table of contents : Safety overview (6) - Introduction to steel (7) - Introduction to
bench stones (8) - Water Stones (8) - Oilstones (8) - Diamond Sharpeners (6) - Ceramic Sharpeners (4) -
Sandpaper and Leather (8) - Angles and Jigs (18) - Sharpening machines (18) - Sharpening Methods (36) -
Sharpening Stations (21) - Appendixes (7).
Le briquet médiéval by Stéphane Bois - Published by Emotion Primitive
- 200x140 - 105 pages - -

An unique book dedicated to medieval lighter (steel lighter + flint + tinder) .
All the aspects are detailed : Principle of functioning, history, making.
This book is very interesting to read even if you do not envisage making or using this kind of lighter.
Table of contents : Introduction (2) - Le feu et sa production (16) - Fonctionnement
d'un briquet à silex (22) - Analyse scientifique du principe de fonctionnement (30) -
Le briquet à silex dans l'histoire (6) - Formes de briquets (11) - Faire soi-même
un briquet à silex (11) - conslusion (1) - Bibliographie (1).
La bible des motifs celtiques by David Balade - Published by Ouest-France
- 220x220 - 242 pages - -

This book shows the diversity of the celtic patterns. It mixes art and history. A lot of possible
inspiration thanks to the many drawings. The last chapter gives some advice to draw basic patterns.
Table of contents : Introduction (8) - Spirales et Triskels (66) - Entrelacs (72) -
Labyrinthes (24) - Bestiaire (30) - Comment dessiner (26) - Annexes (8).
Knives and Scabbards by J.Cowgill, M. De Neergaard and N. Griffiths - Published by The Boydell Press
- 240x190 - 168 pages - -
 A reference book on medieval knives and shears based on archeological
items found in London, dating from mid-tewlfth and mid fifteenth centuries. About 500 items are cataloged.
Table of contents : Dating (7) - Manufacturing Techniques (32) - The decoration
of medieval scabbards (5) - A note on the heraldic decoration of the scabbards (6) - The use of
knives, shears, scissors and scabbards (11) - Appendix: Metallographic examination of the
medieval knives and shears (13) - Bibliography (3) - The Catalogue (91).
Réaliser son étui pour un couteau de style nordique by
Thomas Lofgren - Published by Crépin-Leblond
- 220x160 - 62 pages - -

This book shows step-by-step the making of a scabbard for nordic style knife. The text is clear
and well illustrated with many pictures. The sequence of the different steps is clear. Many
details and tricks are presented in this book. Unfortunately, this book is limited to one
kind of sheath.
Table of contents : Généralités (2) - Préparation du couteau
avant couture de l'étui (4) - Réalisation d'un patron en papier (4) - Du patron
en papier à la pièce de cuir (6) - Patte de fixation pour l'anneau de
bélière (2) - Couture de l'étui (2) - Procédure à suivre pour
chaque point de couture (6) - Préparation du haut de l'étui (2) - Montage de la patte
pour l'anneau de bélière (4) - Finition du haut de l'étui (2) - Compresser
et modeler le cuir (4) - Décoration de l'étui (4) - Réalisation du passant de
ceinture (2) - Teinture de l'étui et du passant de ceinture (4) - Traitement de surface
et assemblage du passant (4) - Le résultat final (2).
ABC's of Leatherwork - Published by Tandy Leather Factory
- 280x210 - 30 pages - -

A very small book of 30 pages on leatherwork. A lot of topics, on one page or less...
Table of contents : Tools - Dyes - Lacing - Stitching - Cutting - Punching -
miscellaneous hardware - edge finishing...
The Leatherworking Handbook by
Valerie Michael - Published by Cassell Book
- 260x210 - 128 pages - -

Interesting but very general book. Many principles and methods are described there.
Table of contents : What is leather (5) - The workshop (9) - Materials (4) -
Metal fittings (4) - Designing and pattern making (4) - Dyeing and finishing (4) - Edge
finishing (7) - Paring or skiving, splitting and channeling (5) - Gluing (3) - Hand
stitching (12) - Gussets (4) - Pockets (3) - Attaching locks, buckles and studs (7) -
Straps and handles (5) - Moulding and surface decoration (7) - Beginner's projects (9) -
Intermediate projects (11) - Advanced projects (21).
Tricks of the trades by
"Homebuilding Fine" - Published by Taunton books and videos
- 210x130 - 223 pages - -

A catalogue of tricks for the handyman to simplify his life.
Table of contents : Jigs, vises and clamps (16) - Hand tools (24) -
Power tools (11) - Saws (14) - Nails and screws (10) - Bits (6) - Sawhorses and benches
(8) - Boxes, belts, bags, buckets and storage (20) - Trucks and vans (6) - Health,
safety, comfort and cleanliness (13) - Some surprising ideas (10) - Questions and answers
from builders (82).
The complete book of decorative knots by Goeffrey Budworth -
Published by Octopus Publishing Group
- 260x200 - 160 pages - -

A catalogue of very varied knots. The
explanations are a bit light and not always very clear, at least
for beginners...
Table of contents : Introduction (2) - Terms, tips and techniques (18) -
Lanyard knots (30) - Button knots and globe knots (20) - Turk's heads (18) - Mats and
hitching (20) - Plaits and braids (27) - Glossary (2) - Bibliography (2) - Index (2).
Making Workbenches by Sam Allen - Published by Sterling
- 250x200 - 208 pages - -

This book is totaly dedicated to workbenches. It aims rather woodworkers, but a lot
of ideas and principles can be adapted for metalworking.
Table of contents : Workbench fundamentals (16) - Vises (21) - The
joiner's bench (21) - The classic cabinetmaker's workbench (28) - Workbench
accessories (15) - Using a workbench (19) - Workbench storage space (17) - Outfitting
your bench for speciality work (22) - Outfitting your bench with bench tools (30) -
Outfitting your bench with supplies (16).
The Workshop Book by Scott Landis - Publishing by Taunton Press
- 280x232 - 207 pages - -

This book describes workshop setting. It aims rather woodworkers, but a lot
of ideas and principles can be adapted for metalworking.
Table of contents : The Workshop Tradition (18) - Locating the
Workshop (18) - Layout (26) - Machinery (22) - Systems: The Workshop Envelope (36) -
Specialty Shops (28) - Dream Shops (16) - Storage (22) - Fixtures (18).
The Home Machinist's Handbook by
Doug Briney - Published by Editions Books
- 230x190 - 272 pages - -

A book describing the small machines for machining and
their use.
Table of contents : Reading prints (16) - Measurements (18) - Hand Tools
(20) - Bench Tools (26) - The Lathe (14) - Lathe operation (32) - Milling machines (29) -
Milling machine operation (17) - Material selection (24) - Heat treating and finishing
(14) - Projects (50) - Tables (12).
Japanese Kitchen Knives by Hiromitsu Nozaki - Published by Kodansha International
- 260x200 - 154 pages - -

This book is totaly dedicated to japanese kitchen knives. It is a bit light about
technical aspects, lacking of detail. It containts advice of use and some typical
recipes (about two third of the book). A small interesting chapter on maintenance.
Table of contents : Foreword (7) - Getting Started (6) - The three main
knives The Usuba (33) The Deba (47) The Yanagiba (18) - A knife for every function (11) -
Maintenance and more (16).
Leather work - A manual of techniques by Geoffrey West - Published by Crowood Press
- 250x190 - 160 pages - -

This book tackles may interesting subjects, but not in depth. The tools and the techniques are
not detailed enough to learn something there. The projects are very classical.
Table of contents : Tools and materials (14) - Basic techniques (8) -
Pattern-making and design (22) - Hand stitching and skiving (9) - Built-up work (13) -
Carving (4) - Stamping (6) - Thonging (16) - Light leather projects (28) - Heavy leather
projects (19) - Carved and thonged projects (13) - Appendixes (16).
Leather Tooling & Carving by Chris H. Groneman - Published by Dover Publications
- 270x200 - 111 pages - -

This book is dedicated to leather carving. The chapter about tools and methods is quite short.
The different projects take up a big part of the book. Many models but not varied enough (many
flowers patterns). Pictures and drawing are quite basic.
Table of contents : About leathers, tools, and equipment (5) - The Basic
processes (21) - Leatherworking projects (77) - Appendix (5).
Celtic and old norse designs par Courtney Davis - Published by Editions Dover Publications
- 280x210 - 44 pages - -

A very special book, as it contains almost no text. It is a collection of celtic and norse
Many sources are used, among them the famous book of kells and old items.
Viking designs par A.G. Smith - Published by Editions Dover Publications
- 280x210 - 44 pages - -

A very special book, as it contains almost no text. It is a collection of viking
Many old items are used as sources.
The Art and Craft of Leather by Maria Theresa Lladó i Riba and
Eva Pascual i Miró - Published by Barron's
- 300x230 - 160 pages - -

This book tackles several aspects of the leather, but stays very general. There is nothing
about knives sheaths. Some interesting tecniques and advices.
Table of contents : Introduction (2) - Leather art and tanning (18) -
Materials and tools (20) - Techniques (38) - Step by Step (70) - Gallery (4) - Glossary (2).
Penknives and other folding knives par Simon Moore - Editions Shire Publications
- 210x150 - 32 pages - -

A small book for collectors : Few technical data. Some interesting pictures or drawings in
the history part (roman, viking and medieval folders).
Table of contents : Folding knives in history (4) - Spring-back knives
(8) - Folding fruit knives (10) - Penknives (3) - Into the twentieth century (2) -
Advice for collectors (1) - Maker's marks on folding fruit knives (1) - Further
reading & Places to visit (1).
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