and Cutlery
by Gérard HEUTTE Home
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I thank all those which taught me what I know today!
First of all, Mr. Massé who made me discover the blacksmithing world. And then, my different teachers: Eric Grimaldi, Mel Van Daalen Wetters, Christian Moretti, Eric Plazen.
I must not forget all the cutlers, craftsmen and buddies with whom I have exchanged information or material. But there, the list of names would be too long! And then, to finish, thank Jojo for the anvil... Realization of the site
Smileys and animated images:
I thank Fred for his advices on the design, Nico for the image which was used to create the logo of the site, Seb for his assistance on HTML, Alain for the loan of his HTML bible, Philippe & Pascal to have tested the site.
Without forgetting all the people who have addressed me their comments: Michael, YaCo, Jacques, Jean-Jacques, Laurence...
A bit of technique
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The internal links are in green and the external links are in blue.
History of the site
29th june 2021 - version 21.02
Some minor corrections and precisions on some pages. Add new knives. Add a leather paring knife. Add a new knife available for sale. Add three books.

4th February 2021 - version 21.01
Some minor corrections and precisions on some pages. Add new knives. Add a new knife available for sale. Add three books.

2nd September 2020 - version 20.01
Some minor corrections and precisions on some pages. Add new knives. Add a page to build a stonewash machine. Add a page to build a water bath for acid.

13th September 2019 - version 19.01
Some minor corrections and precisions on some pages Add new knives. Add new books. Add new special designs.

10th October 2017 - version 17.02
Some minor corrections and precisions on some pages Add new knives. Add new links to craftmen sites

17th February 2017 - version 17.01
Add some pictures of the fête du fer 2016 (festival of iron). Add some knife pictures. Add a new page on the improvement of a tempering oven. Add a new page for the articles for sale.

5th September 2015 - version 15.01
Add a machete, a utility knife and two folders. Add a new page on threaded axis for folders.

5th december 2014 - version 14.03
Add pictures of "la Fête du couteau" at Nontron 2014. Add a dagger.

July 14th 2014 - version 14.02
Add pictures of "Fête du Fer" 2014.

June 29th 2014 - version 14.01
Update of links. Add some books. Add 5 new knives.

November 21st 2013 - version 13.01
Minor corrections. Update of links. Add pictures on pages about file work and grinding.

March 30th 2012 - version 12.01
Add a page on blade grinding.

December 26th 2011 - version 11.03
Add some books. Add some knives.

October 10th 2011 - version 11.02
Add 2 pages (electroetching and mosaic pins). Add some books. Add some knives.

February 17th 2011 - version 11.01
Add some books. Add some knives.

September 6th 2010 - version 10.02
Add page on inspiration. Add some books. Add pictures for Festival of Iron.

May 7th 2010 - version 10.01
Add some books.

December 22nd 2009 - version 09.03
Add pictures for sicac 2009. Add pictures for Fèvres 2009

June 29th 2009 - version 09.02
Add a new book Art et techniques de la forge. Add some knives. Add pictures for Thiers 2009. Some minor corrections and add of pictures.

January 04th 2009 - version 09.01
Add pictures of Gembloux 2008. Add a page on the sicac. Add pictures of Fèvres 2009.

May 19th 2008 - version 08.04
Add several knives. Add a page on Thiers.

April 02nd 2008 - version 08.03
Add a picture from Fèvres journal. Add a page on full tang knife assembly.

February 24th 2008 - version 08.02
Add two new knives. Add the new version of "$50 knife shop" book.

January 19th 2008 - version 08.01
Add a page to make a counterbore cutter.

December 17th 2007 - version 07.09
Add details about Curie temperature.

December 1st 2007 - version 07.08
Add an improvement for the fuller. Add a page to make teflon washers.

November 12th 2007 - version 07.07
Add pictures for Gembloux 2007.

November 4th 2007 - version 07.06
Add pictures for Fèvres 2007.

October 1st 2007 - version 07.05
Add a french supplier (gravor), no impact on english version. 2 new books added.

July 14th 2007 - version 07.04
Add pictures for Fête du Fer (Festival of Iron) 2007. Add a link to the web site of Georges Emeriau.

March 12th 2007 - version 07.03
3 new books added. Link for CouteauxZen and BritishBlades. Add a new page on manual case hardening.

February 03rd 2007 - version 07.02
Add an achievement. Distinction between "two nails" and "Piedmontese" in knife assembly part. Add a page on leather working.

January 01st 2007 - version 07.01
Add an achievement. Add a new page with some accessories (in workshop).

November 14th 2006 - version 06.19
Add pictures for Gembloux 2006. Add DVD "introduction to knife sharpening".

November 01st 2006 - version 06.18
Add 2 achievements.

October 22nd 2006 - version 06.17
Add Metallurgy section in the english version.

October 17th 2006 - version 06.16
This is the first version with english translation.

The french version of this site has been updated several times since creation in September 2004. The english translation was incorporated in October 2006...