and Cutlery
by Gérard HEUTTE

Fête du fer
The Festival of Iron gathers some impassioned from all horizons. Nothing to sell, nothing to
buy and much passion!
The whole is on the border of the Paimpont's Lake or on the camp-site of Plélan-le-Grand,
depending of the year...
Usual date: The second WE of July.
Edition 2016
A good year, with a lot of stands. Always nice ambiance!

general view, a lot of public on sunday...

Beautiful bronzes.
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And the craftsman's material.

Some stands...
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forgefr : Véro and Jean-Louis.
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forgefr : Youki, Plume and Petit Dragon.

And the monstrous but great iron smelter...
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To which one must give to eat!
Edition 2014
This year, on 2014 July 12th and 13th, close to the Paimpont's Lake.
Slightly less stands than previous years, but still lot of diversity and the same good ambience !

The event's picture.

An ingenious set for a gas forge !

Still wonderful jewel at ARFEVRE...

and also piemontese with original design !

Some wonderful bronzes of Salif Dermé.

and its "owen" for bronze.

Members of Forgefr forum at work...

and some others in discussion.

The iron smelter in progress.

The japanese blower, with luxurious but not traditional seat!

Traditional chain.

All that is required to make nails!

Traditional forge (and happy blacksmith).

Traditional forge.
Edition 2010
Homecoming ! This year on 10th and 11th July 2010, the Festival of Iron
"Fête du Fer" came back on the edge of the Paimpont's Lake. A lot of stands,
big diversity and good ambience: A good vintage ! An intersting and original group project:
Each craftman made a letter of the following sentence: "Je suis un artiste libre.
J'ai été relâché hier." - "I am a free artist. I was freed yesterday."


Nathalie's return.

Mel in full action.

Its creation (the "h" of "relâché").

Sioum and its forge.

The Sioum's forge.

A splendid "L" and...

the happy team (Plume, Youki, Anghirrim).

Discussion around a tub of goop.

Night team !

The same a bit later...

The Sioum's forge in the nigth.

Blacksmiths at work.

Blacksmith at work.

Big grapes

A spider on its web.

Odd mask.

An "e" for the group project.

Pink floyds.

Double chair.

Very diversified objects.

Some beautiful knives.

Dragon Forge...

and its fireplace.
And somewhat outside from technical activities...

Sioum's fondue preparation.

An unexpected guest!
2008 Edition
Close to the camp-site of Plélan-Le-Grand, on 12th and 13th July 2008.
This year was a bit different from the previous ones... Less stands, a bit less pleaseant atmosphere, some
organisation troubles, no more power hammer. Not a disaster, but to be corrected for next edition !
And now some pictures...

General view

The stand of Nico, Vincent and Jean-Luc.

And that one of Mel and Sioum.

Our belgian friends Christian and Véro.

Pavel's polishing equipment.






and some tables:




2007 Edition
At the camp-site of Paimpont, on 7th and 8th July 2007.
As usual, good atmosphere, a lot of activity... and breton weather !
Some general views and some stands:

General view of a part of the stands

The other side

Jean-Basptiste and Nico. On the background, Eric Plazen, MichelS and Raven...

Mel's japanese forge.

A classical forge.

A japanese like forge, but less conventional...

A clever double effect bellow.

Medieval forge, always splendid.

Nice gas forge install by Zébulon.

African forge.

Véro in action.

Mel at work.

Vincent and his chum.

After the battle, a small break (sunday evening at about 20pm)...
The week before, there was the fourth european symposium of iron smelting, thus a lot
of iron smelters and wootz ovens:


2006 Edition
It was on the camp-site of Plélan-le-Grand, July the 8th and
9th (2006).
Blacksmiths from ForgeFr forum:


My head!

Jean-Luc/Le Tatou

David/Vache à Lait

Small Dragon


Nico and Jean-Louis
And some photographs taken in the stands:

Iron smelter in construction (bases)

The chimney...

archaeological iron smelter (pre-heating)

A forge on the ground, built in less than 45 minutes!

Medieval forge with splendid bellows


African forge in the twilight

Night of Saturday...

Splendid forged objects

Beautiful table, below and above!

Training for rope cutting

After the battle, improvised concert of djembé and

The machete (70 cm length) I made with Jan (Hades7) during this festival.
2005 Edition
July 9th and 10th 2005, on the border of the lake.

Iron smelter in phase of drying (wood fire).

Young lady at work with the African forge

A part of the stand of our German colleagues.

The magic trailer of our Belgian friends of the BKS.

The traditional forge and its bellows.

The temperature of the blades is checked
(Gerard Heutte and Eric Plazen).

Inception of a hammer.

The power hammer in the night.
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