Custom Knifemaking by Tim McCreight
- Published by Stackpole Books - 230x180 - 222 pages - -
A good book to discover the custom cutlery for hobbyists. After a chapter of presentation
about the tools, techniques and methods, the author presents ten projects of increasing
difficulty. Each project is approached from design to the final realization. To be noted
particularly, two folding knives (penknife and lockback).
Table of Contents : Tools (16) - Materials (13) - Knife design (14) -
Sheathmaking (16) - Forge set-up (11) - Project 1 : Kitchen paring knife (17) - Project 2 :
Full-tang all-purpose knife (16) - Project 3 : Partial-tang carving knife (10) - Project
4 : Through-tang skinner (11) - Project 5 : Wilderness knife (8) - Project 6 : Forged camp
knife (13) - Project 7 : Kitchen chopper (10) - Project 8 : One-blade pocket knife (17) -
Project 9 : Lockback folding knife (11) - Project 10 : Damascus steel dagger (18).
$50 Knife Shop by Wayne
Goddard - Published by Krause publications - 280x210 - 156 pages - -
The must for handymen. Much information there to carry out the equipment material at
low cost. Some pages on the manufacture of the backstands. All the steps of knifemaking are
approached. Some pages on the Damas (traditional, cable).
Table of Contents : The beginning (10) - The forged knife (23) - The
stock-removal method and finishing (27) - Backyard heat treating (33) - Damascus steel (19)
- Home made grinders (21) - Tribal knifemaking (14).
$50 Knife Shop revised by Wayne Goddard - Published by Krause publications - 280x210 - 156 pages - -
A new edition of the previous book with addition of text and color pictures.
A new chapter presents some useful tools and devices.
Table of Contents : Knifemaking simplified (14) - The forged knife (28) - The
stock-removal method and finishing (22) - Backyard heat treating (20) - Primitive knifemaking
(14) - Damascus steel (18) - Home made grinders (20) - Jigs, fixtures and holding devices (12).
The Complete Bladesmith by Jim
Hrisoulas - Published by Paladin Press - 280x220 - 179 pages - -
Very complete book, with the dense texts, on multiple
aspects of cutlery: Workshop, recall of blacksmithing's techniques applied to cutlery,
assembly of the knives, heat treating, choice of materials, Damas. Excellent work to start
Table of Contents : The workshop and tools of the trade (19) - Steels to use
(9) - Fire and forge (11) - Forging blades (13) - Rough grinding (7) - Heat treating (5) -
Final grinding (5) - Fittings (9) - Grip materials (9) - Grip making (13) - Polish and
finish (3) - Sharpening (5) - Leatherwork (15) - Scrimshaw (7) - Damascus steel (9) - Heat
treating damascus steel (3) - Damascus patterns (15) - Cable blades (7) - The japanese
blades (9) - Japanese heat treating and polishing (7).
The Master Bladesmith by Jim
Hrisoulas - Published by Paladin Press - 280x220 - 286 pages - -
Improved and supplemented version of the preceding work. Some "advanced" techniques.
Making of various weapons: Sword, lance, axe. Chapter on Damas Steel. Some conversion charts of
Anglo-Saxon measurements. Not for beginners!
Table of Contents : Setting up the workshop (25) - Steels & alloys (19) -
Advanced forging techniques (31) - The power hammer (21) - Grinding (9) - Heat treating
and tempering (7) - Hilts (21) - Metal and wood finishing (17) - Leather working &
scabbard making (19) - Swordmaking : The romance of the sword (21) - The spear : The
ancient weapon of choice (25) - Axes (17) - Japanes nonferrous alloys and their
coloration (13) - Damascus steel : The pattern welded blade (37) - Compounds and formulas
(9) - Weights and measures (9).
Pocketknife Making for Beginners by Stefan Steigerwald and Peter Fronteddu - Published by Schiffer - 230x150 - 125 pages - -
A book dedicated to the making of simple folding knives: Friction and slipjoint. From the design with
templates to the final realization. A lot of practical tips and advices. Personally I would have switched
chapters 1 and 2 (the friction folder is easier to make by a a beginner). The whole is well illustrated.
Table of Contents: A few words up front (5) - Preparation (15) - Slipjoint Folding Knife (71) -
Friction Folding Knife (34).
Making Hidden Tang Knives by Heinrich Schmidbauer and Joachim Wieland - Published by Schiffer - 230x150 - 108pages - -
A whole book for a knife from A to Z : It is very detailed! A lot of pictures that explain
perfectly all the steps.
Table of Contents: Introduction (5) - The tools (7) - The materials (9) -
The blade (17) - Etching and finishing the blade (13) - The handle (25) - The sheath (31) -
List of suppliers (1).
Knife Engineering par Larrin Thomas - 250x180 - 441 pages - -
A very complete book on all aspects of steel metallurgy applied to knifemaking. Not a book
for beginners because some chapters are very technical. A Fahrenheit Celsius conversion table
will be very useful!!
Table des matières : Introduction to Knife Engineering (2) -
Steel and knife properties (1) - Blade grinds and edges (9) - The structure of
steel (10) - Strength and hardness (10) - Bending and flexing (9) - Toughness (14) -
Chipping and fracture (12) - Sharpness and cutting ability (10) - Edge retention (12) -
Corrosion resistance (7) - Grinding, polishing and sharpening (11) - Knife steels
and their metallurgy (1) - Iron-carbon phase diagram (9) - Introduction to knife
steels (6) - Carbides in knife steels (11) - Micrographs (33) - Steel ratings (11) -
Processing and heat treating steel (2) - Melting and solidification (7) -
Forging (14) - Normalizing (12) - Annealing (21) - Austenitizing (14) - Quenching (24) -
Tempering (14) - Cold treatments (12) - Austempering and bainite (15) - Knife making
(1) - Heat treatment process and equipment (7) - Practical aspects of heat treating (14) -
Laminated steel and damascus steel (13) - Forging vs stock removal (6) - Wrapping it all
up (2) - References (28) - Appendices - Heat treatment recommendations (52) -
Steel designations comparison chart (2) - Knife steel suppliers (2) - About the author (1).
101 Knife Designs by Murray Carter - Published by Krause Publications - 280x210 - 205 pages - -
Excellent book. It deals with a difficult and seldom elsewhere developed subject: knife
design. However, nothing about folders (If mechanisms are discarded, the principles are
easy to transpose). Lots of detailed points are studied. At the end of the book, templates
are proposed on 40 pages!
Table of Contents : Terms and Definitions (2) - Introduction (22) - Culinary
Blades (14) - Knives for Work, Hobbies and Outdoors (30) - Classic Knife Designs (23) - How To
Create and Preserve New Designs (14) - How to Grow Your Pattern Collection (3) - How to
Modify a Pattern to Improve it (10) - Specific Features Of Blades (16) - In Conclusion (13) -
How To Use The Patterns (1) - Knife Patterns/Templates (40) - Bibliography (1) - About the
Author (1).
Blade's guide to Making Knives by Joe Kertzman - Published by Krause Publications - 280x210 - 160 pages - -
This book is a set of articles written by famous cutlers: Allen Elishewitz,
Wayne Goddard, Don Fogg, to speak only of those. Many interesting and various information.
Excellent articles about swordmaking and backstand use.
Table of Contents : Introduction (1) - Préface (1) - It's High Time to
Fashion a High-Tech Folder (20) - Making the Everyday Working Knife (40) - His Forge Burns Hot
for Mosaic Damascus (20) - Dedicated to the Study of Sword Making (18) - Building the Bolsters
of "Alchemy" (20) - Methods of Tomahawk Making are Timeless (16) - The Art and
Science of Blade Grinding (20) - How to Contact the Knifemakers (1).
Bladesmithing by Murray Carter - Published by Krause Publications - 280x210 - 156 pages - -
The small sentence on the cover " Modern Application of Traditional Techniques "
fits totally to this book. The author lacks a bit of humility, but the book content
is excellent! Many very interesting chapters such as " Practical Parameters of Cutlery
Design " or " Straightening ". This book is not for beginners. Some bases
are required to appreciate the content.
Table of Contents : Introduction (7) - Dangers in the Bladesmith Shop (9) -
Practical Parameters of Cutlery Design (10) - Selection of Steel (6) - Forge Welding (17) -
Lamination Techniques (11) - Heat Treating (14) - Straightening (7) - Grinding a Perfect
Blade Profile (7) - Drilling Holes (2) - Grinding the Secondary and Primary Edges (8) -
Surface Finishing (7) - Low Temperature Silver Soldering (2) - Attaching Handles (26) -
Sharpening (9) - Making Sheaths (2) - What Dulls Knives (6) - What makes a Knife Special ?
The Tactical Folding Knife by
Bob Terzuola - Published by Krause publications - 280x210 - 158 pages - -
The linerlock from A to Z. There are everything from the design to the
realization. Much tricks and practical thingummies.
Table of Contents : What is tactical knife (6) - The shop, the tools,
the materials (21) - Designing the knife (10) - The geometry of the linerlock (16) -
Blade layout and fabrication (15) - Making the handle frame and spring (31) - Dressing
up the basic knife (13) - Gadgets and gizmos (14) - Care and feeding of the folding
knife (5) - The fail-safe linerlock (7).
Knifemaking by Bo Bergman - Published by
Lark Books - 250x210 - 152 pages - -
The Scandinavian knife from A to Z ,almost since blade making is missing. Many
techniques are there detailed (assemblies, sheats, fitting).
Several complete projects are presented.
Table of Contents : Materials and tools (17) - Preparing the knife blade
(3) - All-wood handles (13) - Mixed-material handles (9) - Leather or birch bark handles
(5) - Simple knives (7) - Wedged handles (3) - Sewing leather (4) - Hand guards (2) -
All-leather sheaths (9) - Mixed-material sheaths (7) - Simple sheaths (2) - Hangers (3) -
Decorations (4) - Care (4) - Two practical accessories (6) - The projects (11) - Classic
multipurpose knife (10) - Royal knife (11) - Mountaineer's knife (11) - The Hälsinge
knife (9) - The old timer (7) - Hunting and fishing knife (7) - Prehistoric knife (6).
Les Couteaux d'Arts by Gilles Bongrain -
Published by Crepin-Leblond - 300x210 - 159 pages - -
A wide panorama of the cutlery to discover custom knifemaking. This book presents
many photographs. One of rare (if not only) works in French on this subject.
Table of Contents : Les matériaux (15) - Les consommables (12) - Les outils
(11) - Les techniques de base (20) - Les traitements thermiques (15) - Les techniques
supérieures (11) - Les aciers damassés (22) - Les techniques de
décoration (9) - Les montures (13) - Les lames longues et la coutellerie
périphérique (16).
The Wonder of Knifemaking by Wayne
Goddard - Published by Krause publications - 280x210 - 157 pages - -
A survey of the cutlery through questions and answers. An interesting chapter about
friction folding knife making.
Table of Contents : Keep it simple (12) - The mystery and magic of steel
(19) - Heat treating : The real secret to blade performance (25) - A lesson in perspective
(21) - The smithy (14) - The forged blade (14) - What is damascus steel? (15) - How to
sharpen knives (10) - Grinding (4) - The tang (9) - How to make a friction folder (8) -
Modified vise-grip pliers as clamps for the knifemaker (4) - Knife testing (7).
Le Manuel Roret du Coutelier by
Mr. H. Landrin - Published by Emotion Primitive - 200x140 - 423 pages - -
A republication of the Roret handbook of 1835! All the aspects of the cutlery are approached.
In spite of many obsolete concepts, the content is interesting, with a rather broad
spectrum. The text is dense with figures on graphic boards at the end of the work.
Table of Contents : Des matières premières - Des métaux
(75) - Des bois (10) - Des matières animales (8) - Des matières propres
à polir (9) Des moyens d'exécution - De la forge (8) - De l'aiguiserie (16) - Atelier
d'ajustage (8) De la fabrication - Du travail des lames (118) - Du travail des manches (29) -
Du rhabillage (6) Description des objets fabriqués - Des différentes espèces de
couteaux (9) - Des différentes espèces de ciseaux (2) - Des différentes
espèces de canifs et grattoirs (2) - Description des autres objets que fabrique le
Vocabulaire (80) - Divers (20)
Penny Knife by Gene
Chapman - Published by Oak & Iron - 280x210 - 19 pages - -
A very interesting booklet on the manufacture of a "Penny Knife": Turning of the handle,
slit, ring, blade and assembly. The content is very directed towards the
practice and include many drawings.
Iron and Antler II by Gene Chapman -
Published by Oak & Iron - 280x210 - 40 pages - -
All information to make a "Mountain Knife": Preparation of the handle, making the spring
and the blade, assembly. Many pictures give details and working methods, particularly to
split the handle and to make the spring.
Le Thiers - Secrets de fabrication by "la Confrérie du Couté de
Tié" - Published by Editions Camille - 240x170 - 125 pages - -
A book detailing through several sketches the making of a fixed blade knife and several folding
knives (with spring).
Table of Contents : Histoire (38) - Le Thiers, poignard fixe (14) - Le Thiers,
blocage par verrou (12) - Le Thiers, deux pièces (14) - Le Thiers, mache à
inser et fermeture à bille (10) - Lexique, planches, adresses, bibliographie (12).
Fancy knives by Stefan Steigerwald et Ernst Siebeneicher-Hellwig - Published by Schiffer Publishing - 260x180 - 190 pages - -
A magnificent book about "top of the range" knives with numerous and beautiful pictures in color. This book
presents materials (with a excellent chapter about handle materials), decorative techniques as well as knife
and sheath making. A good work to discover custom collection knives and the associated techniques.
Table of Contents : Foreword (2) - Introduction (3) - Materials (21) - Fitting Materials (7) -
Handle Materials (52) - Decorative Techniques (18) - Making Knives Yourself (48) - Making Knife Sheaths (10) -
Buying and Care of Knives (2) - SPecialist Addresses (9).
Art of Knife by Joe Kertzman - Published by Krause Publications - 280x210 - 252 pages - -
A book with slendid pictures. Only top-level custom knife. This book is not technical at all,
even if a large panel of possibilities can be seen. Knives are wonderful, but more for
collection rather than use.
Table of Contents : Introduction (3) - Jeweled and Inlaid Art Knives (12) -
The Skilled Art of Scrimshaw (16) - The High Art of Engraved Blades (34) - The Most Dashing
of Daggers (10) - The Sculpted and Carved Edges (30) - The Wood Handlers (20) - Quite
Fashionable Folders (24) - In the Best of Bowie Traditions (18) - The Daring Dance of
Damascus (38) - Hunters Can Be Art Knives (16) - Classically Styled Steel (22) - A
Smattering of Slip Joints (7) - Contacts (2).
Basic Knife Making by Ernst G.Siebeneicher-Hellwig and Jürgen Rosinski -
Published by Schiffer Publishing - 280x220 - 112 pages - -
The title fits perfectly to this book. The first half describes equipment (DIY forge) and
basic methods. The second part expalins how to make a knife with hidden tang. Pictures and
explanations are clear. Unfortunately, nothing about other kinds of knives...
Table of Contents : Introduction (1) - The Theory of Knife Making (5) - Tool
making (26) - Forging a Knife (23) - Modifying a Belt Grinder (5) - Finishing the Blade (9) -
Heat Treatment (7) - Signing (3) - Knife Construction (13) - Quality Control (1) - Appendix
(3) - Knife Design Gallery 8).
The Hand Forged Knife by Karl
Schroen - Published by Knife World Publications - 220x150 - 136 pages - -
All steps to make a fixed blade knife with hidden tang. Some interesting information and
many pictures. The whole is a bit light however.
Table of Contents : Introduction (2) - Tool steel (3) - Forging (1) -
Annealing (1) - Hardening (1) - Tempering (2) - The Blacksmith shop (2) - Breathing new
life into forge blower (1) - Forge body (1) - The anvil (2) - Hammers (3) - Tongs (1) -
Coal (1) - Fire building (3) - Tool stell (2) - Steel evaluation (2) - Alloy analysis (2) -
Evaluation of 12 tool steel (5) - Annealing (2) - Hardening and tempering (3) -
Steel vs incandescent (1) - Hardening technique (1) - Secrets of successful forge
hardening (2) - Secrets of successful tempering (2) - The finishing room (3) - Knife
finishing procedures (15) - Threading & drilling the tang (24) - Knife sharpening (9)
How to Make Folding Knives by Ron Lake, Frank Centofante & Wayne Clay - Published by
Krause Publications - 280x200 - 190 pages - -
A reference work to make folding knives, unfortunately limited to the lock back knives. Three
craftsmen explain their method. The whole is illustrated by many photographs.
Table of Contents : Introduction and templates (3) - The Wayne Clay method (43)
- The Frank Centofante method (51) - The Ron Lake method (51) - Basic pocketknife terminology
(12) - Other top folder makers (10).
Step-by-step Knifemaking by David
Boye - Published by Boye knives press - 230x190 - 274 pages - -
A work detailing the making of fixed blade knives by stock removal. Strong use of the backstand.
Nothing about bladesmithing and folding kives and it is a pity!
The explanations are clear, with some
interesting tricks and many pictures.
Table of Contents : Starting out (18) - Tools (22) - Different kinds of
knives (20) - Cutting out the blade (8) - Grinding the blade (10) - Building the bolster,
finger guard and butt plate (26) - Heat treating the Carbon Steel Blade (18) -
Trueing up the blade (6) - Regrinding and polishing the blade (12) - Drilling rivet
holes (6) - Rivets and pins, Pins and rivets (8) - Handle materials (6) - Making a
full-tang scale handle (20) - The partial tang one-piece handle (6) - Buffing the knife
(6) - Sharpening and maintenance (10) - Step-by-step checklist (4) - Production notes (8) -
Etching designs into the steel (22) - Sheathmaking (16) - Appendix, index (21).