and Cutlery
by Gérard HEUTTE

Forge of an integral knife
Here is step by step, the make process to forge
an integral knife.
A big thank you to Peggy for the photographs.

Starting matter: A 10mm rod of XC48.

It is necessary to start by flattening the round.

Without forgetting to forge on the edge to have a beautiful
flat part.

The flat part.

Forging of the point.
(Correction thickness).

The point is shaped.

I start to make the edge.

Regularly, the blade is corrected.

At the end, one can slightly fold back the point.

Now a shoulder is made behind the blade to refine the handle.

Here is where the hammer must hit.

Decrease a little the thickness.

Cut with the anvil cutter.

Drawing out the handle.

If needed, rectify a little the thickness.

Here is the result.

Bend the end of the handle, starting on the
edge of the anvil.

The curvature is accentuated.

It is necessary to heat and bend there!

Start on the round horn.

Then, continue on the table.

The loop is closed.

The flatness of the knife is corrected.

The loop is totally closed.

Rectify last once the flatness of the knife.

And now, it is (almost) finished.
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