and Cutlery
by Gérard HEUTTE

The finality of the knife
To the risk to appear categorical, I will say that
there are two kinds of knives:
- The knives which will never see another thing but one window
and which will almost never cut anything!
- The "utility" knives which will achieve successfully the work
desired by the user.
The first type of knife (often qualified knife of art) will
propose esthetics, the choice of materials. On the other hand,
design and functionality will not be major criteria. Certain
knives of this type are so expensive that they are closer to
the jewel than knife! Such a knife should especially cut nothing
which can damage its pretty blade.
The second type of knife will be resolutely functional.
The design will be carried out according to the considered use.
The utility aspect does not prevent the choice of materials of
quality, even if they are not "noble". Esthetics is not to
neglect; The useful can be beautiful.
As it is necessary well to involve at one time, I will remember you
the definition of the knife in the "Petit Robert" (french dictionary), namely:
Cutting instrument, composed
of a blade and a handle ". I am thus clearly
directed towards the second type of knife!
Moreover, how to judge quality of the work carried out on a
knife which is never used?
In short: A knife is used to cut!
Design and realization
The design of a knife starts with a study of its intended
use. There is no universal knife!
Among the points to be determined, you will find:
- Choice of the type of knife: Straight or folding
- Choice of the assembly. For a straight blade knife :
full tang, hidden tang short, crossing hidden tang. For a folding
knife: Friction, pump, forced notch, liner-lock...
- Size and the shape of the blade.
- Size and the shape of the handle.
- Think about the aspects of comfort (taken in hand) and
safety (protection of the hand and/or blocking of the blade)
- Choice of steel.
- Choice of materials of the handle.
And for all these points, a major factor will intervene: The With artistic and harmonious dimension.
The technique is an essential thing, but it is not only one which will make
"THE" knife at the end. The spirit in which you make
the knife is of primary importance! It should be thought so
that could feel its owner by taking it in hand...
The port of a knife on the French territory can
cause problem. Indeed, the little which I know of the
associated legislation lets appear a certain blur even an
unquestionable blur!
It would seem however that a folding knife without assisted system of
opening and mechanism to lock the blade can be carried... But
all is subjected to interpretation, even by the Police.
So, it would be wise to limited yourself to a rather short blade.
On the other hand, the straight blade knives, pump knives, automatic knives
and liner-lock are prohibited.
In short: The (small) Piedmontese, two nails, forced
notches are (a priori) authorized. All the remainder is prohibited !!!
State of mind
Well beyond the legal statute of professional,
an amateur must work in a state of mind guided by several objectives:
- To carry out good products. It is permanently
necessary to optimize all the steps of the design and making.
- To test what you do. It is necessary to leave the
minimum of place to the chance and to use measurement instruments (hardness).
- To work with method by experimentation with control
(hardness, grain). To take notes to make syntheses.
- To progress, as well in theory at the practical level.
- to be made a personal style (not easy) or at least to work on
the harmony of the knives.
Do not makes something you do not understand and understand what you make.
Let us not forget the definitions of the "Petit Robert" for the
Amateur :
(1) Somebody who likes, cultivates,
research (certain things)
(2) Person who cultivates an art,
a science, for her only pleasure (and not by profession)
And its "pejorative" version:
(3) Person who exerts a activity in a careless or fanciful way. Which does not
concern any cutler !
In France, it is difficult to exert cutlery as an amateur or at part-time. You must be in order
with several official organizations...
Thus for an amateur, it is difficult to sell within the law! My friends are rather happy with
that since they inherit my modest works.
The simplest way, without being professional, is to take one of the following status:
- Micro-entreprise (please, refer to french law - Can be translated as "Micro-company").
- Auto-entrepreneur (since 2009) (please, refer to french law - Can be translated as
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